できる せん断刃
You bet! Most shear blades can be sharpened multiple times since they’re made of hardened tool steel.
So, how do we go about resharpening them? Here’s the step-by-step process:
1. まず最初に
状態を確認する ブレード
. どれくらい鈍くなっていますか?ひび割れはありますか?
2. 最初の表面を研ぐ
取得する 研削盤
and touch it gently to the flat surface of the blades. This creates sparks, showing it’s working. If the blade’s temperature goes above 40-50°C while sharpening, take a break and let it cool down. Heat messes with the accuracy, you see.
3. ざっと目を通す
Inspect the blades’ edge for any damage that’s still lurking.
4. 洗う
5. 2番目の表面を研ぐ
6. 再確認する
Make sure there’s no damage left on the edges.
7. 方向転換の時
Now, we’ll sharpen the actual cutting edge of the shearing blades.
8. もう一度チェック
Take a look at how beat up one of the blades’ edges is. Then, bring two blades together for better sharpening. The worn blades can get rusty, so sharpening also helps remove the rust.
9. エッジを研ぐ
10. 目を光らせておく
11. ブレードを回転させる
ブレードを 4 回目、そして最後に反転します。
12. 最終検査
13. 掃除する
Blow off any residue from cooling and grinding dust.Now that the sharpening process is done, it’s time to take out the blades and give them a closer look.
14. よく見てみる
15. 保護して梱包する
Cover the blades with oil and greaseproof papers to prevent corrosion. Place them in a sturdy wooden box for a safe journey. They’re all set to be sent back to the customer.
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